Wednesday, 29 February 2012


dari Abu BAkar r.a.:

"sesungguhnya IBLIS berdiri di DEPANMU,JIWA di sebelah KANANMU.NAFSU di sebelah KIRIMU dan DUNIA berada di BELAKANGMU.SEMUA ANGGOTA TUBUHMU berada di SEKITAR DIRIMU.Sedangkan ALLAH berada di atasmu.

Maka IBLIS mengajakmu meninggalkan agama.JIWA mengajakmu ke arah maksiat.NAFSU mengajakmu supaya memenuhi kehendak syahwat.DUNIA mengajakmu supaya memilihnya daripada akhirat.ANGGOTA TUBUHMU mengajak engkau melakukan dosa.

Dan ALLAH mengajak engkau masuk syurga serta mendapatkan keampunanNya...wallahua'lam

SPM is not the END of the world,but the START of new life

spm's result will be announce (insya-Allah) 22 march 2012
everyone seem to be worried
but we must know that Allah is the best planner.

there is two situation,A(when we get straight A+ or what we hope for) n B(we don't get what we want)

when we get straight A or what we hope for,it is the start of adventure world
you will compete with everyone else with the same result as yours
fight for your dream,your future

and who don't get what we want, it is the start of new world
you can become a businessman because Rasulullah himself is a businessman,
or you still want to achieve your dream,and the bad result you get is your big mistake....
you can studt hard....
this what my father told me...
you can enter any university you want,in Malaysia or other countries
you pay for the first semester n then study hard to get the best result (4 flat),
then ask for scholarship from MARA,JPA n etc
MARA,JPA n etc will give their scholarship to the student that get best result...
ini membuktikan bahawa pelajar yg diberi biasiswa mmg patut dpt n pasti membuahkan hasil,
jd mereka tk rugi...
lebih2 lagi,sng bg sesorg yg mmg pndai dlm sesuatu subjek,tp teruk dlm subjek yg len,

dorg pasti dpt buat yg terbaik utk impian dorg...
jd cuba r cara ni

kdg2 Allah ttpkan rezeki kita kt tmpt yg len,bukan pada SPM,
jd carilah rezeki itu,jgn cepat mengalah,terus pnjt kan doa n solat hajat

ada org result SPM bgus tp hancur masa hdpn sbb terlalu bangga,time kt universiti main2(moga kite dijauhkan) n amek pengajaran dr apa yg berlaku


Tuesday, 28 February 2012


This is my first time using blog
I hope this thing will make me not boring
n i want to make new friend
 plus strengthen my friendship with all my friend especially my buddy